Upcoming Chomsky interview on ETFF

The next two Sundays, Equal Time for Freethought's Barry F. Seidman and Neil J. Murphy will be interviewing one of the show's most famous guests ever: the one and only Noam Chomsky! The show is partially inspired by The Humanist magazine's publishing an interview with Chomsky earlier this year; where as one would expect, he addressed his take on humanism in addition to his usual political topics. In this interview, Chomsky deals with a range of subjects, from humanism, the role of religion in politics, the free will question, human nature, to politics and economics.

A few weeks ago, I helped the producers draft some of their interview questions. Now, I've just finished listening to the unedited version of the prerecorded interview, and I'm really happy at how it turned out. There's definitely areas where one can disagree with Chomsky: for instance, all of the ETFF crew take a much harder determinist position on the free will question than Chomsky, and his politics is his familiar, frustrating mix of Smithian classical liberalism and more mainstream social democracy. But in all cases, Chomsky makes his points very well, drawing on a vast array of knowledge, but also willing to say what he doesn't know (or doesn't think is yet known to science). Look forward to it.

Remember: ETFF airs Sundays, 6:30-7PM at 99.5 FM in the NYC area, and streams at WBAI's website, and can be heard afterwards at WBAI's and ETFF's audio archives.


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