Beatrice Gross, RIP

I am saddened to find out that Beatrice Gross, an author/educator who, together with her husband Ronald Gross, co-edited several important anthologies on education, including Radical School Reform (1969) and The Children's Rights Movement: Overcoming the Oppression of Young People (1977), and were called "the Bonnie and Clyde of education" (Stan Isaacs), passed away last month, according to obituaries in Newsday and Great Neck Record.

The contributors to Radical School Reform (see the full table of contents on WorldCat) are a virtual Who's Who of education reformers of the 1960s and 1970s, including Sylvia Ashton-Warner, George Dennison, Joseph Featherstone, Edgar Z. Friedenberg, Paul Goodman, James Herndon, John Holt, Herbert Kohl, Jonathan Kozol, George Leonard, Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner. The book was favorably reviewed twice in The New York Times, by John Leonard and Harold Taylor, and the paper's archives also include the Grosses' article about Montessori education, "Let the Child Teach Himself" (New York Times Magazine, May 16, 1965).


Anonymous said…
We were all saddened by this event. We thank you for remembering this amazing women in your blog. It has been a year and she remains as vibrant as ever in our minds. The Grosses, Ronald, Peter and Elizabeth.

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