I'm now an official Sagan celebrator

I'm pleased to announce that I'm now an official contributor to the Celebrating Sagan website and blog. This is a site that appeared at around the same time as my blog-a-thon last year, and which had a similar mission of remembering Carl and his legacy. In particular, it was specifically designed to accept reader contributions, in particular from readers without blogs, so it turned out to be a good complement to the blog-a-thon. (And so, I'm able to post contributions that are emailed to me -- although you can also send them to the core team.)

We'll see where this goes ... but one thing that's in store is audio I sent them of three half-hour interviews of Ann Druyan from Equal Time for Freethought, to go with their "Sounds of Sagan" collection. For now, transcripts of the interviews are available on ETFF's website:
  1. ETFF episode 50, July 13, 2003: This show was about general science issues, and includes a large number of listener call-in questions.
  2. ETFF episode 130, May 15, 2005: This show was devoted to the Cosmos TV series.
  3. ETFF episode 193, October 15, 2006: This was devoted to the Varieties of Scientific Experience book, which was newly released.


Joel, welcome aboard. We at Celebrating Sagan are excited to see the site grow and move in new directions.

Rest assured that the Druyan audio you passed along will be available by Monday September 10th.

Thanks again for your continued interest.


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